it's important that companies have a simple but robust Travel Safety Management Plan. At the heart of the plan is an overseas travel policy statement, which outlines how travel risk is managed and signposts to any supporting procedures and documents. Working closely with clients to develop their own risk management planning and policy. Part of a travel policy statement is the need to conduct a travel risk assessment, especially if the intended destination is deemed to be of a higher risk.
A risk assessment is designed to identify what risks might be present, scoring those risks and putting controls in place so that the identified risks can be managed.
Providing tailor-made solutions to meet your specific company requirements. Experience in providing bespoke solutions to our clients which include mid-cap businesses sending individuals or small teams overseas, to news-gathering organisations sending media workers to conflict zones. Flexible and adaptable in approach to our business and fully understand the duty of care requirements.
For more information on how we can help with your Travel Safety Management Solutions and Travel Risk Assessment requirements, contact us on 01788 899 029 or email:
Check out the TRAVEL SAFETY TRAINING FOR NGOS AND CHARITIES course for more detail.